Douche bag... I guess you never know who your real friends are.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
♪゚+.゚ 050608
"Ignorance is bliss"
Ugh, school is so klsjfk!
most of my posts on my livejournal
are of school too. But everyday... someone never
ceases to amaze me with their ignorance.
Today in gym class, we were playing
basketball and I have all guys on my
team... really competitive guys at that...
now with saying that ~ its all fine and good to be
competitive, but when you don't at least include me
and the other girl in the game, it makes me wanna
stab your eyes out.
And Today as well I finally got the courage
and perfect opportunity to tell someone i know that
a person that they "thought" was their friend was talking about
them. I really took time to think about what I was going to do
before I did it. I viewed the situation, and then decided to tell
her. I asked if she was a person that was being talked behind their
back about, would she was want someone that she knew
tell her, or would she rather just not wanna know.
She said she wanted to know.... making my life a
tad easier.
I guess we'll see how this goes down. I told her
that she can say "Nikki told me that...."
and use my name if she felt the need to do so...
a lot of people hate me anyway, so i figure if they get mad
and decide that they wanna hate me, whats a few more people?
anyways.... off to go and finish homework
and go to bed
Posted by Heidi & Nikki at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
So you want to be an astrophysicist...
Where was this when I was in high school...?
Not that it says anything more than what I already know.
Science, Math, Science, Math...
My advice? Find a school that offers it, a real one, that won't leave you with some Astronomy Degree you can't get a job with.
And funding, find funding.. its harder than it seems.
I've recently chosen my university for transfer, U of Toronto.
Why the hell would I choose Canada? Its funny, I never imagined myself the type to do this. Never. I suppose we're all "the type" to do everything eventually.
But I do have about 30seconds everyday that I sit frozen, thinking: "What exactly have I chosen for myself?"
Its not to say that this was a quick choice, in fact, the majority of people who know me would say this was the longest decision in the history of time. I'm pretty sure decisions to declare war have been quicker than my decision on transfer university.
But I don't care much how long it took, because it is my life, my education. And my loans. Ah, loans.
Its to be asked, what the hell is wrong with America? People die to be American, live American..and you'd think, from that, that America was so together with things, but we're not.
So I'm going to Canada. Where my insurance is 69 bucks a month instead of 300. Where my international student university bill is 10 grand less than my IN-STATE RESIDENT BILL. (Albeit, no I'm not eligible for grants).
The neuroses of mine still fester. I feel like now that I've decided that there's 105 different questions I should have asked but never thought to, and I hate myself a bit for it. I don't feel prepared for anything and the pressure to prepare would make you think tomorrow I move out.
And they say these are "the best years".
Posted by Heidi & Nikki at 2:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: Canada, Heidi, university